Surendera Dental College: A Hub of Excellence in Dental Education

Surendera Dental College & Research Institute, located in Sri Ganganagar, Rajasthan, has built up itself as a chief institution for dental education in India. With a mission to provide high-quality dental education and advanced investigation, the college has been instrumental in forming the end of many trying dentists. This substance digs into the various aspects of Surendera Dental College, highlighting its history, infrastructure, academic programs, workforce, investigating initiatives, student life, and commitments to the community.

History and Overview

Surendera Dental College & Research Founded in 2003 by Dr. B.S. Duggal, a visionary devoted to progressing dental education in India. The college is affiliated with Rajasthan College of Wellbeing Sciences (RUHS) and recognized by the Dental Committee of India (DCI). Over the years, it has developed into a driving institution, known for its thorough academic programs, state-of-the-art offices, and commitment to greatness.

Foundation and Offices

Surendera Dental College has a sprawling campus prepared with modern infrastructure and facilities that cater to the diverse needs of its students and faculty. A few of the key features include:

Scholarly Squares

The scholarly squares are outlined to supply a conducive learning environment. They house address corridors, workshop rooms, and research facilities prepared with the most recent innovation and hardware, guaranteeing that understudies get hands-on preparation and viable encounters.

Dental Hospital

The college features a fully useful dental clinic that serves as a preparing ground for students. The hospital is prepared with advanced dental chairs, diagnostic devices, and treatment offices. It offers a wide run of dental services to the public, counting common dentistry, orthodontics, periodontics, prosthodontics, and verbal surgery.

Research Laboratories

Surendera Dental College places a solid emphasis on inquiring about. The college has well-equipped research facilities that encourage different investigative activities in the field of dentistry. These labs are designed to promote innovation and encourage students and staff to engage in cutting-edge research.


The college library may be a treasure trove of information, lodging a vast collection of books, diaries, and digital assets. It provides access to the most recent investigation and developments within the field of dentistry, enabling students and staff to remain updated with current trends and advancements.

Hostel and Recreational Offices

The college gives comfortable inn offices for both male and female students. The inns are equipped with modern comforts, including Wi-Fi, recreational regions, and sports offices, ensuring a holistic living encounter for the students.

Scholarly Programs

Surendera Dental College offers a comprehensive run of scholarly programs outlined to prepare students with the knowledge and skills required to excel within the field of dentistry. The programs are meticulously organised to cover theoretical knowledge, practical training, and clinical experience.

Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS)

The Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) program is the lead undergraduate course advertised by the college. It may be a five-year program, including one year of compulsory pivoting internship. The curriculum is outlined to supply a strong foundation in dental sciences, enveloping subjects like anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, dental materials, and oral pathology. Students also get broad clinical preparation, allowing them to gain hands-on experience in diagnosing and treating dental conditions.

Master of Dental Surgery (MDS)

For those looking for progressed specialisation, the college offers the Ace of Dental Surgery (MDS) program in different disciplines, counting Orthodontics, Prosthodontics, Periodontics, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Conservative Dentistry, and Pediatric Dentistry. The MDS program is a three-year course that focuses on in-depth knowledge, advanced clinical aptitudes, and research.

Ph.D. Programs

Surendera Dental College moreover offers Ph.D. programs for students interested in pursuing research and the scholarly community. The doctoral programs are designed to promote advanced research in dental sciences and contribute to the advancement of modern information and methods within the field.


The staff at Surendera Dental College comprises exceedingly qualified and experienced experts dedicated to giving quality education and mentorship to understudies. The staff individuals are experts in their particular areas, with many holding advanced degrees and certifications. They are actively involved in inquire about, publications, and continuing education, ensuring that they bring the latest knowledge and Jones into the classroom.

Research Activities

Research may be a cornerstone of Surendera Dental College. The institution encourages both students and workforce to lock in in research exercises, contributing to the advancement of dental sciences. The college has a few research activities, counting:

Collaborative Inquire about Ventures

The college collaborates with different national and worldwide teachers to attempt research projects. These collaborations give students and faculty with openings to work on cutting-edge research and pick up exposure to worldwide best practices.

Investigate Distributions

Staff and students at Surendera Dental College frequently distribute their research findings in presumed national and universal diaries. This not as it were contributes to the body of knowledge in dental sciences but moreover enhances the college's notoriety as a centre of brilliance in inquiry about.

Conferences and Workshops

The college organises conferences, workshops, and workshops on various aspects of dentistry. These occasions give a stage for students, workforce, and industry experts to share their knowledge, discuss later advancements, and explore unused research opportunities.

Student Life

Student life at Surendera Dental College is dynamic and energetic, advertising a balance between academics and extracurricular exercises. The college believes within the holistic development of students and gives numerous opportunities for them to engage in sports, cultural activities, and community service.

Student Associations

The college has different student associations and clubs that organise events, competitions, and social exercises. These associations give a platform for students to create their leadership skills, organise with peers, and contribute to the college community.

Social and Sports Occasions

Surendera Dental College has a few social and sports occasions all through the year. These events promote camaraderie among students, energise teamwork, and give a much-needed break from academic rigours.

Community Service

Community service is an integral portion of the student experience at Surendera Dental College. The college organises dental camps, mindfulness programs, and outreach exercises to supply dental care to underserved communities. These activities help students create a sense of social duty and gain practical encounters in public health dentistry.

Contributions to the Community

Surendera Dental College is committed to making a positive effect on society. The college's contributions to the community are complex:

Dental Camps and Outreach Programs

The college frequently organises dental camps in provincial and underserved areas, giving free dental check-ups and medicines. These camps aim to raise mindfulness about verbal wellbeing and cleanliness and make dental care available to those who require it most.

Open Wellbeing Activities

Surendera Dental College is effectively included in open wellbeing activities, working with government offices and non-profit organisations to advance verbal wellbeing mindfulness. The college conducts instructive programs in schools, colleges, and communities to teach individuals approximately the significance of verbal cleanliness and preventive care.

Inquire about and Development

The investigation conducted at Surendera Dental College has commonsense applications that advantage the community. The college's inquiries about activities point to creating new techniques and medicines that move forward dental care and persistent results.


Surendera Dental College & Inquire about Established stands as a testament to greatness in dental education. With its state-of-the-art foundation, comprehensive scholarly programs, dedicated staff, and solid emphasis on research, the college is forming long term dental experts in India. Its commitment to community benefit and open health further underscores its part as a reference point of positive change in society. For trying dentists, Surendera Dental College offers a sustaining and improving environment that plans them to exceed expectations in their careers and make important commitments to the field of dentistry.


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